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And Broadus consideres himself a professional!?

Guest disgusted

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Guest disgusted

I never used to have a problem with Kevin Broadus until i read this artical in the press and sun: http://pressconnects.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art...335/1003/SPORTS


Is he serious? he claims his profession is for professionals and by the comments the albany coach made he crossed boundaries, but the fact that he went public about the issue made him seem like a jerk and the most unprofessional coach out there! If your a head coach you should know by now that you need to have tough skin in this business, and Broadus just seems to be giving binghamton a bad name.

In fact i personally thought the opposing coach's comments were over-whelmingly true!


grow up Broadus, or leave!

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Guest roger neel
I never used to have a problem with Kevin Broadus until i read this artical in the press and sun: http://pressconnects.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art...335/1003/SPORTS


Is he serious? he claims his profession is for professionals and by the comments the albany coach made he crossed boundaries, but the fact that he went public about the issue made him seem like a jerk and the most unprofessional coach out there! If your a head coach you should know by now that you need to have tough skin in this business, and Broadus just seems to be giving binghamton a bad name.

In fact i personally thought the opposing coach's comments were over-whelmingly true!


grow up Broadus, or leave!




you didn't see the end of tonight's game? after albany pimp slapped BU the albany coach extended his hand and broadus pulled his back and they exchanged words. other people got involved and there was pushing and shoving for a couple seconds, all started by broadus. he should be suspended. maybe he should learn how to coach basketball before he gets worried about what a successful coach says. broadus couldn't coach a girl's club team. his strategy tonight, and most other games, shows he has no idea what he is doing. little different than georgetown. it's easy to coach the best players in the country. it's a little different when you have less gifted players. their players suck, but so does all the other teams in that joke of a conference. he's in way over his head. maybe next game he will pop a cap in someone after the game.

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Guest roger neel
Broadus claims an Albany assistant coach started the shoving and the whole thing was no big deal.



imagine that. too bad it was on videotape and clearly showed broadus started the incident. i'm sure it isn't a big deal to a thug who can't coach basketball.


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There has to be some sort of discipline for what the Binghamton Coach did after the game. What kind of teaching is that.That is thug mentality and gives the college a bad reputation.That is how brawls start. Was that some sort of recruiting thing to get poor quality people to come here instead of being a better coach.The comments from the other coach were not a big deal saying simply that one of the players was no Dikimbo or whoever.What is wrong with that instead of saying we played inconsistant.The guy is hardly whoever he said he is not so what was wrong with that and it showed again tonight. Discipline is needed and they did not show it on the court or from the coach.Bad Bad Bad...where is the AD or the league Chairman,they were in attendance.

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when they show the video tape to the commsh of American East they should have Kevin Brodaus fired and put Binghamton Univeristy on Probation and strip of there American East Tourment victories and see how Broadus feels about that

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Broadus is an embarassment. He will ultimately win but he will do it by recruiting kids on probation or academically ineligible at other schools. If this is what B.U. wants to do - more power to them. But ... we are not talking NC, Duke, UCLA, etc. here.

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when they show the video tape to the commsh of American East they should have Kevin Brodaus fired and put Binghamton Univeristy on Probation and strip of there American East Tourment victories and see how Broadus feels about that


A little, okay, a lot over the top.

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Guest Skywalker

No big deal? I'd accuse you of being Broadus or a player, but I think you spelled all the word right so I assume you are just an idiot that sees nothing wrong with punkish behavior if it ultimately ends with BU winning a conference championship? This behavior is way below the standards that an institution like BU should expect for its public figures. Go back to DC, but stop by Mens Wearhouse first for a new suit.

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I agree the choice of words is not the best and I'm not the one who posted that.


The fact remains this is something you just do not do as a professional. It is what would be called bush league in baseball. It got Bobby Knight in trouble more than once and we seem to have the opinion that it is OK. NOT

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I do. As a BU graduate, I don't want my schools associated with this kind of behavior. It is not what the University is about nor should that type of behavior be tolerated. But if the concensus is who cares, my regular support of the BU funds dry up. Then again, who cares?

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who cares.
you should care you sad loser we are the ones who have to pay Brodaus wages we demand a new head coach for BU someone with no bs hardnosed very intellgent very articulant no not king rice for those who support that bum! more like Joey Pavia or something what do you say?
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you didn't see the end of tonight's game? after albany pimp slapped BU the albany coach extended his hand and broadus pulled his back and they exchanged words. other people got involved and there was pushing and shoving for a couple seconds, all started by broadus. he should be suspended. maybe he should learn how to coach basketball before he gets worried about what a successful coach says. broadus couldn't coach a girl's club team. his strategy tonight, and most other games, shows he has no idea what he is doing. little different than georgetown. it's easy to coach the best players in the country. it's a little different when you have less gifted players. their players suck, but so does all the other teams in that joke of a conference. he's in way over his head. maybe next game he will pop a cap in someone after the game.


Go wash your panties,sports are competitve and tempers flare sometimes.All you racist haters get off your high horse and give the guy a chance.


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There is nothing racist about this. Broadus was wrong and should be man enough to take the heat as he deserves. This is an issue for Binghamton U. to take care of. If they feel this is appropriate for a D1 coach, that is their issue. Like I said before, as an alumni, my support just dried up. I've seen this in Civic Associations, but it is absolutely not appropriate at the college level.

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Look it is sports and sometimes get a little hot especially when they are rivals. The AE commisoner actually was at the game. It is not that big of deal. Yes it was inaporpiate but I mean come on lets grow up. When this happens in Football or something of that sorts no one cares. But your putting the poor guy under more pressure than he needs to be. Let it pass and get over it. You guys on here really need to grow because all everyone does on here is complain. And a lot of times it is about stuff that does not need to be. Let it go it is a game and sometimes things heat up and little things like this happen. It was not like it was an all out brawl. It was not like Owego-ESS game where everything broke loose. At least everyone handled this situation appropiatly and no punches were thrown.

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Go wash your panties,sports are competitve and tempers flare sometimes.All you racist haters get off your high horse and give the guy a chance.

calling us racists because we saw the confortation between Broadus and Will Brown i say Broadus was not provoked Will Brown was provoked we should suspend Broadus untill 2010 basketball season or BU Mens basketball forthfeit for 2 seasons and place on probation how do you like that?

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Guest Old School
calling us racists because we saw the confortation between Broadus and Will Brown i say Broadus was not provoked Will Brown was provoked we should suspend Broadus untill 2010 basketball season or BU Mens basketball forthfeit for 2 seasons and place on probation how do you like that?
The best spin BU could put on this is that Coach Broadus's enthusiasm exceeded his level to contain his disappointment after the final buzzer. In reality, he attempted to incite a mob mentality by his comments before the game, and his behavior after. It failed miserably. Had BU won the game, should the students empty the magazines of every gun on campus, similar to the celebration of the Baltimore Ravens winning the Super Bowl?? I'm not an Al Walker guy, but he didn't attempt to fabricate a rivalry. Coach Broadus's attempt to incite his players to achieve backfired, and is an embarassment to the university, the league, and the community!!!


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The best spin BU could put on this is that Coach Broadus's enthusiasm exceeded his level to contain his disappointment after the final buzzer. In reality, he attempted to incite a mob mentality by his comments before the game, and his behavior after. It failed miserably. Had BU won the game, should the students empty the magazines of every gun on campus, similar to the celebration of the Baltimore Ravens winning the Super Bowl?? I'm not an Al Walker guy, but he didn't attempt to fabricate a rivalry. Coach Broadus's attempt to incite his players to achieve backfired, and is an embarassment to the university, the league, and the community!!!

I agree with you Oldschool its because Broadus knew not to have problems did he listen nope no one likes him no wonder people in the communty are leaving its because they want to have a intellgent coach a fair non sense coach who respects anyone and good sportsmanship the way i see it old school expect Broadus to be suspended without pay or fired for his temper and then BU President Deflure will defend Broadas as saying oh hes a great coach a great asset what a load of crap that would be stupid and unacceptble i think BU needs to go back to Dvid III why did they move to American Least in the first place Answer attention recongtion money and greed i hope people dont go to BU Games because Broadus is a bad influlence to everyone Broadus do us a favor resign pack your bags back to Georgetown and never come to BU ever again LOSER!

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I never used to have a problem with Kevin Broadus until i read this artical in the press and sun: http://pressconnects.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art...335/1003/SPORTS


Is he serious? he claims his profession is for professionals and by the comments the albany coach made he crossed boundaries, but the fact that he went public about the issue made him seem like a jerk and the most unprofessional coach out there! If your a head coach you should know by now that you need to have tough skin in this business, and Broadus just seems to be giving binghamton a bad name.

In fact i personally thought the opposing coach's comments were over-whelmingly true!


grow up Broadus, or leave!


exactly what I have been saying....he brings up a past incident like it was yesterday but when asked about an incident that happened yesterday he doesn't want to talk about it....maybe because he realizes he just made a donkey out of himself

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I do. As a BU graduate, I don't want my schools associated with this kind of behavior. It is not what the University is about nor should that type of behavior be tolerated. But if the concensus is who cares, my regular support of the BU funds dry up. Then again, who cares?


I guess they'll find some way to survive without your annual $25 contribution.

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