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Guest Mr Sarcastic

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Guest Mr Sarcastic

Will the Yankees be able to hold off Toronto for 4th this year? i think the 200,000,000 payroll will keep them just in front of the Blue Jays...............Will captain clunker build on that 2nd half, or was it just a coincidence he got hot after his 2nd PED test, meaning he could not be tested again that year. Will Bobby V right the RedSox ship, i think they are a flawed team and will miss Pap more than they think.....Can Tampa keep playing at a high level, even with their shoestring budget.....I guess the next 6 months will answer these ?

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Guest Guest

If it weren't for the Yanks, you'd have nothing to live for.

Your hate keeps you alive and me happy.

Sorry you haven't seen a vagina in years.

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Guest Guest

If it weren't for the Yanks, you'd have nothing to live for.

Your hate keeps you alive and me happy.

Sorry you haven't seen a vagina in years.

And we do thank you for ending that sightless streak.

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Yanks are old and in decay mode, looks like a 87 win season for them. Tampa wins the East. Granderson and Cano are the only 2 with any upside, the rest of the team are aging , cash has done a bad job

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Guest Guest

Great - the "Cashman has done a bad job" guy has chimed in ...


Here's a refresher course for you :


14 seasons / 13 Playoff appearances / 6 AL Pennants / 4 World Series Rings


I can live with that. BTW - AROD will have a 40+ HR - 100+ RBI - .300+ Avg year (you heard it here first), and JETER will once again frustrate the haters with a superb season that defies his advancing years.


Expect that Gardner and Swisher will have solid years and TEX will bounce back as well (though he should be dropped in the order).


CASH has done a great job with the Pitching staff and it will pay dividends in OCTOBER (Can you say Pettite ? I knew you could ...)

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Guest Buster Olney

Nice trade by Cashman, another 21 year old pitcher he has acquired that is past his prime. The Yanks will try and sell you on their young arms in the system, Bla , Bla , Bla-----Phil Hughes and Bloba are both flops. Pineda, just like Hughes is another guy who they make up an injury for because he stinks. The offense better come thru, cause CC is do break down. Stanks hold off the O's for last place

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Guest Doodle

Give me $200 Million to play fantasy baseball AND a Wildcard playoff system and I'd probably go 13 for 14 too. So sick of you Yankee dicks thumping your chest cause you spend money wiser than others...wrong, you just can take more chances and your busts dont hamsting you like other teams that have moves that dont pan out...any other team would have been screwed with BP Igawa or whatever his name is...50 million and he cant win in Scranton...yikes

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Here's the thing - while all of you whinie a$$ little bitches cry about the success acheived by the greatest sports franchise in history, did you ever stop the realize that the Yankees didn't make the rules - they are just the best at playing and winning within the rules as defined and agreed to by all teams and owners. In essence, your hate for the Yankees is an indictment of MLB itself. So Don't blame the player - blame the game.


Toronto has been there before - they played the same game back in the 90s and were pretty good at it. Perhaps your anger should be directed at the ownership of your squad and or it's inability to get the rules changed.

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Cashman made a nice trade for Granderson, but other than that he just is a checkbook GM. Other than Cano, the yanks have not developed any talent the last 10 years.

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Think Cashman will be crapping bricks if Montero starts lighting it up in Seattle with Pineda on the DL?


Rumor has it the RedSox players cant stand Bobby V. Should be another interesting season. It's the Rays division to lose

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Guest Doodle

Here's the thing - while all of you whinie a$$ little bitches cry about the success acheived by the greatest sports franchise in history, did you ever stop the realize that the Yankees didn't make the rules - they are just the best at playing and winning within the rules as defined and agreed to by all teams and owners. In essence, your hate for the Yankees is an indictment of MLB itself. So Don't blame the player - blame the game.


Toronto has been there before - they played the same game back in the 90s and were pretty good at it. Perhaps your anger should be directed at the ownership of your squad and or it's inability to get the rules changed.

Sorry...not whining about the success the mighty Yankees have achieved just pointing out that Ca$hman has done nothing more than glorified shopping sprees spending someone elses money without fear that a misstep would set them back like other clubs.


Pretty sure that Toronto was not outspending their rivals by anywhere between 25% of payroll up to 300%...and yes, when they were winning they drew 4 million fans and ownership spent money. Strike hits and Canadian fans arent as forgiving as US; new owners and lesser product = less fans=less payroll. What a concept.

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Sorry...not whining about the success the mighty Yankees have achieved just pointing out that Ca$hman has done nothing more than glorified shopping sprees spending someone elses money without fear that a misstep would set them back like other clubs.


That's not all Brian Cashman has been doing...



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Guest Joe Lefebvre

Sorry...not whining about the success the mighty Yankees have achieved just pointing out that Ca$hman has done nothing more than glorified shopping sprees spending someone elses money without fear that a misstep would set them back like other clubs.


Pretty sure that Toronto was not outspending their rivals by anywhere between 25% of payroll up to 300%...and yes, when they were winning they drew 4 million fans and ownership spent money. Strike hits and Canadian fans arent as forgiving as US; new owners and lesser product = less fans=less payroll. What a concept.


I actually agree with what you stated above. Using your sound logic- it would seem that the Yankee fans, as obnoxious and arrogant as "we" are perceived to be, continue to turn out and support our team through strike(s) - lousy deals - steroid admissions - maniacle owner behaior - you name it ... Knowing that our money and our support of the team will be reinvested / rewarded in the form of Playoff appearances - AL Pennants and World Championships ... If only our Canadian friends across the border had the passion to do the same - the Doodler might be doing a little chest thumping of his own ...

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Guest Doodle

Not sure if accurate or not or still applicable but I once heard the NY Yankees generated more revenue from their radio broadcasts than most or all other teams get from TV revenue; I am sure those with setups like YES are seeing more but lets not pretend that the playing field is anywhere near level...just be glad the Mets are as dyfunctional as all the NY _ETS teams (fill in the letter...J, N hope you can follow along sheep) or they might have some competition for all those fans and dollars being thrown at the pinstripers.

As for the Canadians; different priorities and values. They were offended by the labor issues and never came back; as for me, I keep putting off getting a passport so I dont go up anymore but love going to a game where I dont need body armor.

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Guest Joe Lefebvre

Ah yes - I too enjoyed my experience at the beautiful new Toronta ballpark back in the mid-90s. A very docile crowd for sure. I recall I spent the better part of the evening swilling Molsons and harassing Rickey from my corporate seats 10 rows behind the dugout - gently reminding him of his chronic Hammy problems while in the Bronx ... The comatose Canadians seemed more concerned with the out of town preseason NHL scoreboard than supporting their own WS champion Bluejays.


Great city to visit though - you should renew your passport.

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Guest Guest


I actually agree with what you stated above. Using your sound logic- it would seem that the Yankee fans, as obnoxious and arrogant as "we" are perceived to be, continue to turn out and support our team through strike(s) - lousy deals - steroid admissions - maniacle owner behaior - you name it ... Knowing that our money and our support of the team will be reinvested / rewarded in the form of Playoff appearances - AL Pennants and World Championships ... If only our Canadian friends across the border had the passion to do the same - the Doodler might be doing a little chest thumping of his own ...



No one understands that. If other owners invested more into their team there would be an equal playing field. Too bad no one else knows how to invest better than the Yankees.

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Guest Doodle



No one understands that. If other owners invested more into their team there would be an equal playing field. Too bad no one else knows how to invest better than the Yankees.

You are one of the Yankee Dicks I referenced above; its not that they "invest" more or do a better job, its the fact that the revenue stream from being in the largest market in the baseball world gives them a MUCH Larger margin of error to take chances AND outspend or drive up the price on attractive free agents. Every year they pick up a player or two for 2-5million which is couch change for them but would be a large % of several teams payroll...if one pays off, great, if not they raise beer prices a nickel and you idiots keep buying 'em. Yes, the yankees play by the rules but they play with more chips than anyone else and when they call, most have no choice but to fold rather than raise. Refreshing to see teams like LAA and Texas get the better of the Yanks and BoSox, not to mention NL teams that have had some success is WS against superior teams...nice move by Selig with a one game playoff for Wildcard too...really puts a premium on winning your division.

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Guest Guest

You are one of the Yankee Dicks I referenced above; its not that they "invest" more or do a better job, its the fact that the revenue stream from being in the largest market in the baseball world gives them a MUCH Larger margin of error to take chances AND outspend or drive up the price on attractive free agents. Every year they pick up a player or two for 2-5million which is couch change for them but would be a large % of several teams payroll...if one pays off, great, if not they raise beer prices a nickel and you idiots keep buying 'em. Yes, the yankees play by the rules but they play with more chips than anyone else and when they call, most have no choice but to fold rather than raise. Refreshing to see teams like LAA and Texas get the better of the Yanks and BoSox, not to mention NL teams that have had some success is WS against superior teams...nice move by Selig with a one game playoff for Wildcard too...really puts a premium on winning your division.



Yawn blah blah blah...same ol same ol

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Guest Doodle



Yawn blah blah blah...same ol same ol

Right...as opposed to your truly original comeback...you must be watching TVLand to come up with such a creative response.


Lets face it...most Yankee fans root for them in order to compensate for their pathetic lives and to feel good about themselves since their job sucks (if they have one); their wifes are 100 lbs overweight (if they have one); their pickup truck has 125K miles on it and is always breaking down (if they have one) and their trailer is getting hot already (if they have one).


Your turn...I'll give you a while...I think Everybody Loves Raymond is coming on if you need help. Yankee Fans...the new white trash...

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Guest david bonner

Right...as opposed to your truly original comeback...you must be watching TVLand to come up with such a creative response.


Lets face it...most Yankee fans root for them in order to compensate for their pathetic lives and to feel good about themselves since their job sucks (if they have one); their wifes are 100 lbs overweight (if they have one); their pickup truck has 125K miles on it and is always breaking down (if they have one) and their trailer is getting hot already (if they have one).


Your turn...I'll give you a while...I think Everybody Loves Raymond is coming on if you need help. Yankee Fans...the new white trash...

you're saying that people are yankee fans because the yankees are GOOD and make them happy about something in life? you sound pathetic. by the way you said "if they have one" four times. get a new saying bud

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Guest Joe Lefebvre

Right...as opposed to your truly original comeback...you must be watching TVLand to come up with such a creative response.


Lets face it...most Yankee fans root for them in order to compensate for their pathetic lives and to feel good about themselves since their job sucks (if they have one); their wifes are 100 lbs overweight (if they have one); their pickup truck has 125K miles on it and is always breaking down (if they have one) and their trailer is getting hot already (if they have one).


Your turn...I'll give you a while...I think Everybody Loves Raymond is coming on if you need help. Yankee Fans...the new white trash...


Wow DOOD - can't believe you let that idiot get you so spun up. Now while I found your reply to be quite amusing and most likely on the mark as it pertains to the last poster, I am not quite getting the quantum leap you make to classify all Yankee fans as Nascar lovin - trailor livin - keystone drinkin - white trash.


It's True that a quick look around Broome county may lead you to that conclusion, but I believe that may be more an indictment of the area as opposed to "Fan of the Yankees" generalization.


A sad statement for the area - but a funny characterization ...

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Guest Doodle


Wow DOOD - can't believe you let that idiot get you so spun up. Now while I found your reply to be quite amusing and most likely on the mark as it pertains to the last poster, I am not quite getting the quantum leap you make to classify all Yankee fans as Nascar lovin - trailor livin - keystone drinkin - white trash.


It's True that a quick look around Broome county may lead you to that conclusion, but I believe that may be more an indictment of the area as opposed to "Fan of the Yankees" generalization.


A sad statement for the area - but a funny characterization ...

Joe: Does my heart good to know at least one person in Broome County understands satire. My family are Yankee fans which adds credence to your point that not all BC Yankee fans are idiots but we get our share on here to be sure.


David Bonner: If that "handle" is supposed to mean something it is lost on me but pathetic I'm not. You on the other hand would need Columbo's help to get a clue. Another classic Yankee with Napoleanic complex or maybe in your case its more likely Oedipal. Bud.

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I've been called a bandwagoner, front-runner and much worse, even though I've been a Yankee fan since before Jeter was in diapers. Goose, Nettles, Murcer, Munson, etc... Those are the guys I grew up on and of course Scooter and White callling the games.


Back then it was WPIX for the Yanks (after the game it was Gerry Girard on sports) and WWOR for the Mets (Kiner's Korner anybody?). Outside of that, the only other options were NBC's game of the week each Saturday and This Week in Baseball with Mel Allen (Hello there everybody!). ABC also had some games every once in awhile on Monday night and I still have issues of the Sporting News and their box scores for each and every game. That's how I followed the game and I did my best to follow each and every team and the players. It also didn't hurt that I spent every penny I had on baseball cards.


People are quick to jump on a bandwagon of any winning team. But being spectators posing as fans make me sick—when people who don't follow baseball are yelling and screaming and claiming to be fans. All the hoopla and fake admiration. Fair-weather fans.


I respect Mets fans more and even Blue Jays fans like you, Noodle, because you guys endure losing and remain fans. When they finally get their act together then you can cheer twice as hard.


Unfortunately, most Yankee fans aren't that way. The success, history, and tradition is what draws our fans—not loyalty for the team.


That is why people hate the Yankees.

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