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Bobby Valentine

27 Time World Champions

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Bobby calls out Youk (I guess that's the price you pay for marrying Tom Brady's sister). Pedroia immediately sticks up for his teammate and lets Bobby know who's really running the show in Boston. Apparently, the same group that went 0 for September last season. Youk is shot. Crawford and Ellsbury are banged up, their closer is in Philly and nobody can name the shortstop without googling.


Is Valentine an evil genius trying to light a fire or just a demented madman?


Doesn't really matter. Winning cures everything and unless that starts happening in Beantown......Bobby won't finish out the season.




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At what point did anyone think Valentine was a great manager?


At no point that I can think of. Probably why I used words like demented, madman and evil. Heck, George Dubya (then Rangers owner) fired him in the middle of the 1992 season with a winning record.


I was elated when the Red Sox hired him. Having said that, the guy does have a brilliant baseball mind and is a very intelligent man, in general. So the Red Sox selected as good of a baseball strategist as was available. Picking someone with Valentine’s baseball IQ is not a surprise. Ozzie Guillen also has a high baseball IQ.


Valentine has yet to gain the respect of the clubhouse. A player versus manager attitude may be developing (probably already has) amongst the team. Valentine should have addressed the issue with Youkilis first instead of going to the media. A manager can’t publicly call out his players this early in the season, especially in a massive media market like Boston.


Bobby Valentine is the antithesis of Terry Francona. He’s brash, outspoken and an attention whore. He seemed to be exactly the change of pace that the team needed. It's still early. Time will tell

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Alot of newness to the Red Sox with Francona and Theo out.

With all the rumors of last season, I wasn't really surprised to see an early season problem with a confrontational manager.


The drinking in the clubhouse while the games were still going on and the general poor attitude in general made an environment likely to explode.


Personally, I want the Sox to be tops with the Yanks because baseball is better when those two teams are fighting it out whether anyone wants to admit it or not.




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