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Joe Paterno's final letter


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Thursday at 9am, when the report goes public ............... I don't think the Penn St fans are going to have much to say for a while.


I feel bad for their fanbase, they didn't have anything to do with the conspiracy that allowed those boys to be molested for all those years. But I truly believe that report is going to basically say that the Penn St Admin, which includes JoePa, valued their reputations over the safety of those kids and hid the crimes from the authorities in an attempt to save face.


If that report does come down that way .............. God rest his soul, Joe Paterno's legacy will be ruined for all time, and rightfully so. I hope that's NOT where this goes. But everything you read says that is where we're headed.


This is a massive, head-on train wreck, in slo-motion, with no survivors, being broadcast for all the world to see.

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The Freeh report confirms what anyone with a brain already knew, the PSU Admin and Paterno in particular covered it up back in 2001.

This should be a death sentence for their football program.

Recruiting allegations shut down other programs for years so what should "recruiting for felononious acts" get??

Even the pathetic blind nittany lion loyalty can't defend this.

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The Freeh report confirms what anyone with a brain already knew, the PSU Admin and Paterno in particular covered it up back in 2001.

This should be a death sentence for their football program.

Recruiting allegations shut down other programs for years so what should "recruiting for felononious acts" get??

Even the pathetic blind nittany lion loyalty can't defend this.


I feel badly for the kids that were affected by this and I feel badly for the kids that are there now and will be affected by the penalties that will be afflicted.

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Pedophile St. should be ashamed of their university; it's not their fault, but the ones still defending the admin, JoePa, etc are in denial. Basically Pedophile St. football grandeur & delusional that their "so-called" Saint JoePa could hide something so hideous for so long, all to not bring bad press, publicity and ruin his 60 year Pedophile St. football image. Wake up Pedophile St. alumni.

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pedophile state will never recover -- shut her down. The football program, academics, the whole kit n kaboodle. Turn it into a sexual deviant prison to set an example and to shut the pedophile state JoePa-backers up.

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SEPTEMBER, 24, 2012 ---- NCAA President Mark Emmert revealed last Friday that the unprecedented sanctions his organization recently levied against Penn State University were evidently based on a false assumption.


Speaking to the Detroit Economic Club at Ford Field, Emmert said, regarding the criminal case against Jerry Sandusky, if Penn State had brought it forward when initial claims of abuse began and separated itself at that time, the NCAA never would have been involved. The ensuring years of cover-up, Emmert implied, caused the NCAA action.


This bombshell exposes a basic, but colossal error in Emmert’s, and therefore, the NCAA’s understanding of the Penn State case: the first claim of abuse against Sandusky was in 1998, and it was, in fact, Penn State police who sent the case to the Centre County District Attorney at that time. The case was handled by Centre County Children and Youth Services (CYS) and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW), involving interviews with Sandusky by two separate psychologists, and the eventual notification of officials at The Second Mile. The conclusion was that Sandusky exhibited no criminal or pedophile behavior and the District Attorney, Penn State Police, State College Police, CYS and DPW had done the investigation thoroughly and cleared Sandusky.


Further demonstrating the lack of knowledge Emmert seems to have about even the basic details of the Penn State case, he also shared with his audience of business professionals that the Freeh Report was “more exhaustive” than anything the NCAA could have done. In one of the largest inaccuracies of his presentation, Emmert indicated that Louis Freeh “had subpoena power at the University,” which is grossly inaccurate, and one of the universal criticisms of the report. In fact, no one interviewed was legally compelled to tell the truth, or to even participate in the Freeh investigation. None of the major names in the Penn State case was interviewed for the report -- including Joe Paterno (although he offered), Tim Curley, Gary Schultz or Mike McQueary – leaving many legal experts to strongly condemn the overall validity of its findings.

Joe was a scapegoat no doubt. I feel bad for his family.

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