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Is Derek Jeter taking PED's?

27 Time World Champions

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OK , Its time for Mr Sarcastic to way in..............Must be alot of bad scouts out there, 2 years ago he had lost all his range and bat speed, understandable for an aging icon. The yankees reluctantly overpaid him for past services, i guess OK , with what he has meant to the franchise..............Last year he was a double play machine, how many weak 4-3 grounders did we see, should Jetes be dropped in the lineup?, no we cant hurt his EGO............... He goes on the DL last year, and presto, he comes back a new player. His infield rollers and flairs to right, his calling cards, have been replaced by rockets all over the park........You do the math, not too many careers revitalized at 38, maybe yankee legend ROGER the roider. If andy didnt get busted you yankee apologist would have laughed at any roid accusation , so you can believe what you want, but WHEN THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE......


You obviously don't watch the games! Rocketed all over the park? MORON! Our local time Warner carries the YES network..... Sit down and watch an entire game or series. There is no "rockets all over the park"...... It's bloops in front of the right fielder and infield hits with the occasional ball in the gaps. TROLL!

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OK , Its time for Mr Sarcastic to way in..............Must be alot of bad scouts out there, 2 years ago he had lost all his range and bat speed, understandable for an aging icon. The yankees reluctantly overpaid him for past services, i guess OK , with what he has meant to the franchise..............Last year he was a double play machine, how many weak 4-3 grounders did we see, should Jetes be dropped in the lineup?, no we cant hurt his EGO............... He goes on the DL last year, and presto, he comes back a new player. His infield rollers and flairs to right, his calling cards, have been replaced by rockets all over the park........You do the math, not too many careers revitalized at 38, maybe yankee legend ROGER the roider. If andy didnt get busted you yankee apologist would have laughed at any roid accusation , so you can believe what you want, but WHEN THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE......


2 things as well..... Read and understand previous posts and you sound like the typical brain dead moron ESPN viewer, only watch hilights and listen to empty suit talking heads on the sports radio shows. Retard!!

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