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Greene Coaches On NOTICE


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Guest green or greene

If this is true, that the coach was suspended because, they did not march in a parade just before a game then, it truly shows how much of a backwater, hillbilly, and simple place Greene is to live. People should stay clear of that jerkwater town.

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I'm not from Green and I don't know the coach but I would like to make a comment anyway becasue I have seen a similar situation here in PA.


point #1..... All of the facts are unknown to the public so all the "outrage" is purely an emotional knee-jerk reaction by people who either have an attchment to the coach or team. Once the total story is made public many of the locals( who couldn't get to the news station fast enough for thier 15 minutes of fame) may end up looking stupid.


point #2.... The coach knows the truth and he isin't talking, at least not publicly. The school can not comment on a personelle matter but the employee can without any reprecutuions. I find this most interesting. He is allowing some of tjhe parents and students to look quite silly on tv for his benefit. Why isn't he defending himself in the public forum?


The has to be more to this story than a parade. If there isin't then the BOE should be replaced for hiring this Superintendent.


History has shown that in these situations the Superintendent is the one to bet on. They don't get to this level of education by making "knee-jerk or emotional" decisions.

Your post is so full of retarded assumptions that it isn't funny.

I'll address #2

He can't take it public if he likes his job.

He has no control over his kids or parents in this matter other than encouraging them one way or the other.

I haven't a clue even who the coach is just that how dumb it is that the super whacked him for not marching in a parade.


With the facts present, it is a stupid decision.

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Sounds like he knew there was going to be an issue over the parade and was trying to cover his butt by letting the kids vote. The super cant make the kids march but he could have made the coach march even if it were by himself. Why didnt he make the JV and modified kids march? Not well thought out.

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One of the board members wanted the kids at the parade and said something to his buddy the superintendent, who then sent out an email to the coach. An email that was half written...Next thing ya know coach is being called in for insubordination. It's a bunch of BS.

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You don't become Superintendent because you are the smartest, you become superintendant because you kissed the most a$$


Superintendent is kind of like being a mayor of a town. Its a horrible job, the only type of people that want it are the power hungry

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Boys Football and basketball actually make money bot none of the other sports do.keep these two and dump the rest.but thr schools cant,ehey havr to ke even if they dont want them.title x BS

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Boys Football and basketball actually make money bot none of the other sports do.keep these two and dump the rest.but thr schools cant,ehey havr to ke even if they dont want them.title x BS


Boys football loses more than double any other sport. There is not 1 HS football team in Section 4 that is actually self sustaining, I've looked at the line item school budgets of 4 so called football power schools and they all run in the red. The gate at a football game barely covers the EMT, officials, police and workers. Concessions at all the schools seem to go to the booster club that runs the stand to cover overhead give scholarships etc, its not back into the school budget. The coaches salaries, pads, helmets, uniforms etc more than eat up all the extra money you might make from fans. From the schools I looked at they all need 25-50k in the budget to pay overall football operating costs.

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Boys Football and basketball actually make money bot none of the other sports do.keep these two and dump the rest.but thr schools cant,ehey havr to ke even if they dont want them.title x BS


There is not a high school sport in this area that makes money.

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