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Derek Jeter Breaks Ankle! Out for the rest of the year

27 Time World Champions

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I have long been an Arod apologist.

How can they put him on the bench and take him off the hook??


Are they trying to run him out of town for the money??

Swish might as well buy this year's putter because he has seen his last game as a Yankee.

I doubted him from day 1 but overall besides the playoffs he has helped the Yanks. I guess he is a good Little League Hitter as

Mr. Sarcastic would say.


I noticed that 27 has posted the Hawks flying yet, that is because they have already landed and are chewing on Jeter's ankle.

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The Point of No Return


A-Rod is gone and is heading straight to the Bargain Basement for somewhere between 50 and 75 percent of his salary for the next 5 years.


A-Rod is just mailing it in. When he didn't even start towards first base on the dropped third strike in Game 2, it was clear he just doesn't give a rat's a$$. That would get you benched on a high school team. Flirting with women in the stands is as old as baseball itself, but during the playoffs?


Where is he going? Atlanta to replace Chipper. Miami, where he grew up. The Dodgers are Yankees West. Los Angeles Angels because who plays 3rd for them again? The White Sox love old players and the Houston Astros are moving to the AL and could use something/anything!

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Donald Trump (yeah, I know) had some interesting comments:


Speaking as both a Yankees fan and an A-Rod detractor, Trump told Michael Kay on ESPN NewYork 98.7 FM Tuesday afternoon, "I would terminate his contract, personally. I think George would've done that. I would terminate his contract on the basis that when he signed, he didn't say that he took drugs."


"Since he signed his contract, they found out that he took drugs. ... He actually admitted that he took drugs. Now he's not taking drugs anymore, and without the drugs, he's a less than average player."


"I don't think he's an asset, I think he's a liability to the Yankees," Trump said. "They're paying him $30 million a year, and he strikes out every time he comes up in a playoff game."


Trump began grilling Rodriguez on Monday on Twitter.


"A-Rod should donate his contract to charity. He doesn't make the @Yankees any money and he doesn't perform. He is a $30M/yr rip off," Trump tweeted.


Told it would be difficult to terminate A-Rod's contract given how strong the MLB Players' Association is, Trump responded, "I disagree. It's called misrepresentation. He never told the Yankees he was all juiced up. That all came out after he signed his contract."


"I don't care about the Players' Association. If somebody misrepresents and they're paying him $30 million a year ... I don't think he has a clue when he's standing up at the plate. I've never seen anything like it."

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The Donald...I'd love to see him debate Romney and Obama...probably adlib his way to 60% of the popular vote...if he owned the Yankees he'd call A-Roid in and say "You're Fired"...love it. Thought facing the heat last night might be what the Yanks needed to awaken the lumber but seems like they are ready for a break. Still scare me; CC certainly capable of a shutout and then who knows...CC vs Verlander in nGame 7 is intriguing...Tigers want to finish asap so they can get Verlander ready for WS Game 1 obviously.


Maybe Boston will take A-Roid...hard to take advantage of the Green Monster though when you dont make contact...

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Maybe they will start building talent instead of trying to buy it.


Did A-Rod get her phone number? Buying talent worked for the Tigers. Without Mr.Triple Crown and Prince, they'e fighting KC for last. I understand what you're saying though.


Yankees Homegrown Talent:


Derek Jeter

Mariano Rivera

Andy Pettitte

Robinson Cano

David Robertson

Brett Gardner

Phil Hughes

Joba Chamberlain

Eduardo Nunez


Each and every one of those guys I listed above will play a major role in 2013. Yes, I know the Yankees "buy" a lot of their players, but that doesn't mean their farm system is thin. The Yanks Farm System ranks top 10 (on average depending on what you read), and with none of that talent being traded away (thus far), I expect the Yankees farm to be right near the top once again in 2013.


Looking at the prospects list, the Yanks don't have much scheduled to arrive before 2014:


Gary Sanchez C 2014

Mason Williams OF 2015

Tyler Austin OF 2015

Slade Heathcott OF 2014

Zoilo Almonte OF 2013

Angelo Gumbs 2B 2015

Dante Bichette Jr 3B 2014

Ramon Flores OF 2014

Jose Pirela 2B 2013

Austin Aune SS 2016

Ravel Santana OF 2015


Almonte and Pirela are the only top 20 prospects with an ETA of 2013. Of the two, Almonte is the one who could likely help the team in 2013. The Killer B's could very well be a bust.


The Yanks have a great mix of both homegrown talent and hired guns. The pitching was there, but the bats went silent in the postseason. Fire Kevin Long and hire Dave Kingman.

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Most embarrassing performance by any team ever.

The Yanks went Mid season Red Sox in the playoffs???


I have defended Cashman some, but to have this go on under his watch is deplorable.

They couldn't have handled the ARod situation any worse.

Now where do they go from here?


Do they really think Arod is leaving?

Who can afford him?? Why would he opt out of his no trade??


Stupid, dumb, and stupid too.

The offseason is going to be nothing but straight vitriol.

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Most embarrassing performance by any team ever.


2004 is still and always will be the worst and everybody knows the reasons why.


At least the Yanks had a chance against the Tigers. A few hits/calls go their way and the series is tied 2-2. The Yanks had zero chance in 1963. 2 times against Koufax and once against Drysdale will do that. 1976 was the same. I have all 4 games on DVD (how many people can say that?) and the Reds just dominated in every way. It was never even close. 1980 was also horrible.


I'd rank this past sweep against the Tigers 4th on my all-time sh*t list

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