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Should schools have cuts at the Modified level?

Guest slammin"

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Guest slammin"

Should there be cuts at the modified level? I use to think yes...but after years of coaching at the mod. , jv, and varsity level...I now do not believe a child who is just entering junior high school, mustering up enough courage to go out for a sport, should have to worry about being cut. Most schools have an academic policy....so that will keep them on track academically. Keeps the kids off the streets and away from the electronics for at least 2-3 hours. Activity! Freindship. Team and social skills....the benifits are easy and endless. By 9-10th grade...they cut themselves...they know weather or not they are going to make or play on a particular sport. Most under qualified mod. coaches do not need to be cutting them...what message does that send. These are tax paying kids we are judging at that age....they can be developed still, yes? Does your school cut at this age group. Ours does not. I know the agruements both ways...mostly budget reasons and a coach who can not handle large groups.....your thoughts. Thanks.

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Dpends on the sport and the situation, no? If it's say, basketball, with starting spots and you get 22 guys out for the team, I'd say cuts are warranted. It's not fair to anyone to carry 22 or so on a hoops roster.

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Guest slammin"

Dpends on the sport and the situation, no? If it's say, basketball, with starting spots and you get 22 guys out for the team, I'd say cuts are warranted. It's not fair to anyone to carry 22 or so on a hoops roster.

But football can carry 45+ with 11 starters. Ohhh, they have more paid coaches. I've coached basketball teams with 19 kids, baseball teams with 26 kids...no cuts. Creative. All practice, everyday. Divided into 2 teams for game day..."red" and "blue" teams to fill out roster with a core of 9 that show for every game. Whatever. Only reason I'm asking is, one local school (cf) who does cut, cut 2 girls off a mod. volleyball team. Kept (12) 7th graders and (8) 8th graders. Said 12 was the max. Common man...cut two little girls. It really effects them for a long time...socially and mentally. BTW...my daughter made the team and still thought it was wrong. It happens more than you know. Because it IS who you know...I hate politics...

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Guest Crusher

But football can carry 45+ with 11 starters. Ohhh, they have more paid coaches. I've coached basketball teams with 19 kids, baseball teams with 26 kids...no cuts. Creative. All practice, everyday. Divided into 2 teams for game day..."red" and "blue" teams to fill out roster with a core of 9 that show for every game. Whatever. Only reason I'm asking is, one local school (cf) who does cut, cut 2 girls off a mod. volleyball team. Kept (12) 7th graders and (8) 8th graders. Said 12 was the max. Common man...cut two little girls. It really effects them for a long time...socially and mentally. BTW...my daughter made the team and still thought it was wrong. It happens more than you know. Because it IS who you know...I hate politics...


Let's start with the football comment, with 45+ kids with 11 starters - actually, you can potentially have 22 starters, 11 on offense and 11 on defense, and I know some kids can (and do) go both ways, but there is a potential for 22 starters. I do think that in football, you can play a fair number of players in modified (say 32-35 players) and give them a least decent playing time.


But for other sports like basketball and baseball, you just can't have 20-25 kids on the team - maybe it would be great to have have 2 modified teams (red team, blue team, whatever the colors), but the money has to be there.


I think you and other posters bring up some good points, that you have incompetent, uncaring buffoons coaching at this (and JV and Varsity, too), and all they want is a paycheck, the kids are secondary. And what's worse is the egomaniacs who think they are the cat's ass because they are the coach, and they provide nothing positive to the kids or the district that they represent.


The story about keeping 20 girls on the modified volleyball team and cutting 2 is absolutely uncalled for, and that individual, along with the varsity coach, should be brought in front of the athletic director, superintedent, school board and parents and be relieved of their duties - an action like that is either a mean-spirited, callous attempt to embarass some junior high girls, or the act of a very stupid individual(s), and neither excuse is sufficient for these individuals to retain their duties (yes, the varsity coach shoud be on the hot seat as well because he/she is in charge of the program, and if you don't know what you're subordinates are doing you have no business being the head of a high school program).

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Yea, everyone make the team.

Everyone wins and feels good about themselves.

Everyone gets a trophy.

Isn't it so fair??


What a joke. At what point in their lives should kids learn disappointment or maybe they aren't good enough??

Never if we give them everything.

It is bad enough they aren't allowed to fail in MS these days. Gee, I wonder why our scores aren't better??

I wonder why some people are incompetent, someone told them they were good when they were not and now they think they can

make the grade.


Just like our government, give give give and nobody has to pay.

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I thought this was about cutting out modified sports.


The answer to that is yes.


Let the towns take up the slack with volunteer coaches and you can have enough teams for all the kids to play.


You might want to consider that with JVs.


Schools wouldn't ADs then.

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Guest T - Jefferson

Yea, everyone make the team.

Everyone wins and feels good about themselves.

Everyone gets a trophy.

Isn't it so fair??


What a joke. At what point in their lives should kids learn disappointment or maybe they aren't good enough??

Never if we give them everything.

It is bad enough they aren't allowed to fail in MS these days. Gee, I wonder why our scores aren't better??

I wonder why some people are incompetent, someone told them they were good when they were not and now they think they can

make the grade.


Just like our government, give give give and nobody has to pay.




Cuts build character. If you want it bad enough, you work to get better and make the team next year.


No more free passes.This country has lost it's mojo. If our founding Fathers were here today they would kick be sickened.


Remember who started this great country. A bunch of tough smart SOBs who didn't want to pay unfair taxes ...

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Guest slammin'

Good stuff guys..I still believe it is a money issue...bottom line. We need to remember, it is still a school service. For everyone? I'm not sure. I agree with some...too much is given to the kids with out them having to really work for it. If you want something...WORK for it. Liability...AD's and coaches...jokes. Not all, but too many. Kids suffer, directly and indirectly. But this is modified I'm talking about...7th and 8th graders..11, 12, and 13 year olds. They are not even developed physically let alone mentally yet. Do we really know if they've reached half their potential yet. Most haven't even been really coached yet. They are coming in directly from some yahoo youth club mom or dad coach. There are NO after school intramurals any more (money) and no after school options for physical activity..organized anyway. Let the kids play, learn and decide if they want to continue. Those strongly opposed have a WIN at all cost attitude and it is first above alot of other attributes that can be learned in organized sports. If your good enough to be a competitor at your sport in 7th or 8th grade...they (coaches) will move that kid up to Jv...mod is a learning, experiencial experience.

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Of course there should be cuts at the modified level. What is the alternative? Everyone who wants to sign up is guaranteed to play? That serves no purpose and is impractical. I say keep as big a roster as possible at a reasonable cost, and expose the kids to a life lesson; that there will be times in their life when they can't have something they want and/or they have to put in some hard work to attain it. Not everyone gets everything they want all the time. Is it more complicated than that?

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No it's not ... Thank you. Come on people - hasn't this great nation of ours gotten soft enough already ?


Man - toughen up. Deal with a cut the way you should - work your ass off to get better and make the squad next year.


Entitlement - Everyone looking for a hand-out, it permeates all facets of our culture. Time for the pendulum to swing back the other way, and it starts at a young age. By the time these kids are at JV or Varsity level, having never experienced a "cut", the damage has been done.


The everyone gets a trophy - No one gets cut - culture is not building self-esteem, it's building a nation of entitled, lazy, little panzies.


Hope this situation corrects itself - but under the current leadership (both locally and nationally), I don't see it happenning any time soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest johnson

I think sports is the best bang for the buck. Sports is pennies on the dollar when you talk about school budgets. However, the alternative is to cut all sports and have all of our teenagers running around on the streets with nothing to do. Just pray that one of them who could be hitting a ball are not hitting your windshield instead or house window in a break-in

keep sports and hire more coaches for modified,kids involved in athletics do better and it pays off in the long run.

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Guest slammin'

Good stuff guys...as you can see, alot of different views. BTW...only certain sports cut...not all. It is a numbers game. Arguments go both ways...learn lessons, life check, entitlement, or teach at the mod. level and cut at jv Var. hummm Where's all the Spartens chirpping in? Do they cut at mod in ME...nope! Does your school cut at MODified level sports?

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Guest Big Dog

Should there be cuts at the modified level? I use to think yes...but after years of coaching at the mod. , jv, and varsity level...I now do not believe a child who is just entering junior high school, mustering up enough courage to go out for a sport, should have to worry about being cut. Most schools have an academic policy....so that will keep them on track academically. Keeps the kids off the streets and away from the electronics for at least 2-3 hours. Activity! Freindship. Team and social skills....the benifits are easy and endless. By 9-10th grade...they cut themselves...they know weather or not they are going to make or play on a particular sport. Most under qualified mod. coaches do not need to be cutting them...what message does that send. These are tax paying kids we are judging at that age....they can be developed still, yes? Does your school cut at this age group. Ours does not. I know the agruements both ways...mostly budget reasons and a coach who can not handle large groups.....your thoughts. Thanks.


Hell yea. They have been in sports for a long time at this point. Every one is a winner. Hell, they give ribbons out for 9th place in "Meet the Fockers". At some point, especially when it becomes a tax issue and all pay, the accoutability of placing the best players on the team is required. This does not mean players cut cannot make the team later either. But for example, what is a player who never played the game decides " Hey I would like to play basketball" trys out for the mod. team, should he/she be granted a spot? As far as tax paying kids, this is not true. Property owners are tax payers, not kids. Families who live in apartments do not pay property tax or school tax. You may say they do in rent. but I have yet to see an renter of an apartment in the "unpaid taxes" in the paper !!

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Guest Guest

. Families who live in apartments do not pay property tax or school tax. You may say they do in rent. but I have yet to see an renter of an apartment in the "unpaid taxes" in the paper !!

That is a good thing ...No?
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Guest Guest

That is a good thing ...No?

What part is good? That renters don't pay taxes? Why would that be good? If everyone gets the benefits from our taxes, then everyone should help pay. As you say, no? Or did you mean, it's good that people who live apartments never have their name posted for unpaid taxes?

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Guest Guest

I say No Cuts for modified .... for many of the reasons called out by the original poster (modified coach). In most cases modified teams offer a kids a first chance at playing on an organized team with steady coaching. This is where a kids will learn to develop skill and possibly excel to become a top player - - feeding the JV and varsity teams in upcoming years. Without this development time its a chance missed ... a kid missed. Give them a chance

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Guest Guest

No cuts for many popular modified sports at UE .... Soccer, lacrosse, swimming. though they do cut for basketball. For the first two the coaches play it very smart and allow all to play and develop skills. The girls soccer coach had 2 full teams. Everyone played 2 quarters. The kids had a blast, everyone played, and the coach is developing a great pool of athletes for JV and varsity. Boys did not work quite the same way, but similarly.

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Guest Guest

I disagree with Modified cuts. If anything, cut JV and realign Modified to grades 7-9 and have Varsity 10-12. Just my two cents.



Good thought. I think this is done with several sports already today... could possibly explored by more

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Guest Guest

Good stuff guys...as you can see, alot of different views. BTW...only certain sports cut...not all. It is a numbers game. Arguments go both ways...learn lessons, life check, entitlement, or teach at the mod. level and cut at jv Var. hummm Where's all the Spartens chirpping in? Do they cut at mod in ME...nope! Does your school cut at MODified level sports?


ME - no cuts for swimming, lacrosse, soccer

UE - no cuts for swimming, soccer


Cuts for Basketball, softball, baseball - - yes. this happens at both schools. Years ago schools (Corning, UE, Binghamton) carried 2 teams (ie. red + blue, orange + black), same coach but 2 teams/school on the schedule. This was cut in recent yrs.

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Guest Guest

The other topic here is coaches. Coaches should be knowledgable of their sport. If they were not players, then they should be required to go to a college or master run classe(s) to become experts in their sport. We have too many coaches that are not qualified today. The best ones out there often attend regular clinics and refresher courses to insure their are doing the best they can. It shows!


Skill others do nothing... the kids know it, parents know it, and it shows on the field.

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Guest Guest

I don't think there should be cuts ... maybe a starter team and a team of subs. Give the kids a chance. With all the budget cuts going on these days kids will soon have no sports to play.

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Guest Guest

Start paying for your kids to play sports. If it's not in the budget, then pay out-of-pocket. Taxes should pay for classroom education. For extras.....let the parents pay. If it matters that much, then PAY. Fundraise or pay cash. Parents have all sorts of money for travel teams, private lessons, etc. Pay for school sports. If one is truly poverty, then that's another story. Otherwise........PAY for your kids.

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Guest athlete

Start paying for your kids to play sports. If it's not in the budget, then pay out-of-pocket. Taxes should pay for classroom education. For extras.....let the parents pay. If it matters that much, then PAY. Fundraise or pay cash. Parents have all sorts of money for travel teams, private lessons, etc. Pay for school sports. If one is truly poverty, then that's another story. Otherwise........PAY for your kids.

While your at it ..........pay for music lessons, art lessons, and language lessons.
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