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Should schools have cuts at the Modified level?

Guest slammin"

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Start paying for your kids to play sports. If it's not in the budget, then pay out-of-pocket. Taxes should pay for classroom education. For extras.....let the parents pay. If it matters that much, then PAY. Fundraise or pay cash. Parents have all sorts of money for travel teams, private lessons, etc. Pay for school sports. If one is truly poverty, then that's another story. Otherwise........PAY for your kids.


Not so fast. There are many kids who play school sports that do NOT play on travel teams. They cannot afford to.

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Start paying for your kids to play sports. If it's not in the budget, then pay out-of-pocket. Taxes should pay for classroom education. For extras.....let the parents pay. If it matters that much, then PAY. Fundraise or pay cash. Parents have all sorts of money for travel teams, private lessons, etc. Pay for school sports. If one is truly poverty, then that's another story. Otherwise........PAY for your kids.


I would gladly pay a reasonable fee to play ... but not all those excessive and non-necessary funds for apparel posted earlier.

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We have cuts, our modified baseball has 36 kids going for 15 positions...last year was 47 for 15. I agree with cuts, but sometimes cuts do not teach what is intended. Sometimes a coach cuts the kid who is a Good well rounded athlete, and keeps the kid who is barely passing, getting in constant trouble, just to win, doesn't build a future team, as usually the troublemaker quits sports when they delve into drugs, drinking, or quits school becuSe mom and dad let them...rarely does keeping that kid turn the kid around

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We have cuts, our modified baseball has 36 kids going for 15 positions...last year was 47 for 15. I agree with cuts, but sometimes cuts do not teach what is intended. Sometimes a coach cuts the kid who is a Good well rounded athlete, and keeps the kid who is barely passing, getting in constant trouble, just to win, doesn't build a future team, as usually the troublemaker quits sports when they delve into drugs, drinking, or quits school becuSe mom and dad let them...rarely does keeping that kid turn the kid around


No system is perfect. Some mistakes will be made. The kids will survive and find their own "niche", so to speak. Coaches just use their best judgement. But always have some kind of quantitative evaluation ready to show irate parents, even though that won't work either.

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I agree with keeping a larger team at the modified level with the intention of developing kids and developing the pool of athletes for the high school level. However, expectations should be set on play time during games. If you keep kids, they expect to play unless they are told otherwise.

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All sports should be cut until we can pay to keep all the Teachers employed


This can only be said now that "Teachers" are finally being held to a higher standard. Maybe now we won't have to push our athletes to look for the sports scholarship just maybe they can look for an academic scholarship.

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This can only be said now that "Teachers" are finally being held to a higher standard. Maybe now we won't have to push our athletes to look for the sports scholarship just maybe they can look for an academic scholarship.


Good Point .... teachers, and now coaches too. If only the ADs would spend an hour watching a practice, pre-game and game time. I think many changes would come

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Good Point .... teachers, and now coaches too. If only the ADs would spend an hour watching a practice, pre-game and game time. I think many changes would come

Good Point indeed. I have seen the JC AD at many events --- all sports. Watching the kids, the coaches and the fans. It is vey nice to see this as a parent and taxpayer. It is also good to know that our AD takes his role seriously, he is on top of his game, aware of how his coaching staff operates.


JC coaches rock!

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