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The Fat Tax


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A couple of my fans had such strong reaction to my brilliant idea that i thought it was deserving of a thread of it's own.


Feel free to check out my incredible proposal, and post your thoughts



I am so tired of the "obesity epidemic". epidemic makes it sounds like it's no one's thought, like these people caught the flu or something


Those people got that way for 2 simple reasons


1- the ate too many calories


2- they didn't burn enough.


simple, common sense. nothing inspiring about it. just don't eat like a fat slob, and get off your tush and exercise.


Instead, we have to hear about metabolisms, and lack of knowledge and emotional eating and all the other crap excuses we make so we can preserve some fat pigs self esteem.


My 1st grader knows about healthy choices for God's sake.


If you are FAT, it is YOUR fault, and you are a burden on society


I say tax fatty's favorite food like Ring Dings and McDonalds like we do cigarettes, and generate a steady tax revenue while 50% of the gross slobs in the country gorge themselves.


their should also be an obesity tax- if your BMI is too high, you should have to pay for it.


and make these irresponsible pigs buy two seats at the movies and on planes so their cheese doodle/ Mt Dew fatnesss isn't interfering in my personal space when I have to sit next to them.


a little financial incentive to take care of themselves


oh, and anyone who gives fast food or soda to a child should face criminal prosecution.

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"My 1st grader knows about healthy choices for God's sake."



Who in their right mind, had a kid with you???



Sounds like you might meet the above criteria.

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I guess she want someone who was active, fun and healthy, not someone with an impressive number of posts on the internet



Hey, SIH, check it out! Now, you may be older than dirt AND have "an impressive number of posts on the internet"

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I guess she want someone who was active, fun and healthy, not someone with an impressive number of posts on the internet


Yeah, right. Let's see, I got up and took the dogs out. Then I fed them and went to breakfast and read the paper. Stopped at BTK's place to window shop the trailers again. Then I went and filled up the van, then stopped to wash it. then I ran to the bank, the Giant, and Lowes. I'm doing a load of laundry now and it's only 10:30, but I've still managed to put up an impressive number of posts on the internet. Why don't you shut your mouth about overweight people and learn to utilize your time. Then, you might get a little respect here from some of us, if that's what you really want. As it is, you're not getting any from anybody!


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Yeah, right. Let's see, I got up and took the dogs out. Then I fed them and went to breakfast and read the paper. Stopped at BTK's place to window shop the trailers again. Then I went and filled up the van, then stopped to wash it. then I ran to the bank, the Giant, and Lowes. I'm doing a load of laundry now and it's only 10:30, but I've still managed to put up an impressive number of posts on the internet. Why don't you shut your mouth about overweight people and learn to utilize your time. Then, you might get a little respect here from some of us, if that's what you really want. As it is, you're not getting any from anybody!


listen tough guy you started with the personal insults not me. Just because you are on here 10-12 hours a day and have more canine contact than human doesn't mean you can tell people to "Shut their mouths" it's a public forum. I think it's safe to say that once you start defending yourself by posting your morning schedule on the internet, all hope is lost


If you think my motivation is to garner respect from you, you are more delusional than first suspected.


now- do you have an opinion on the Obesity epidemic and my solution, or are you just gonna sit here and get out insulted by my stellar wit all day?

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Hey, SIH, check it out! Now, you may be older than dirt AND have "an impressive number of posts on the internet"


Yeah Stretch, I got all that going for me! What's with this freak's obsession about weight??? When I was 18, I weighed 179#. I'm 52 now and I weigh 200 #. My belt size went up from 32 to 36. I don't consider that letting myself go, merely getting older and not being able to do all the things I used to do, at least not at the same pace. I find this punk's posts to be insulting to everybody, not just overweight people. He's more obsessed about weight than AFC is about Catholicism. At least AFC has shown me a few times that he has a sense of humor!


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A couple of my fans had such strong reaction to my brilliant idea that i thought it was deserving of a thread of it's own.


Feel free to check out my incredible proposal, and post your thoughts



I am so tired of the "obesity epidemic". epidemic makes it sounds like it's no one's thought, like these people caught the flu or something


Those people got that way for 2 simple reasons


1- the ate too many calories


2- they didn't burn enough.


simple, common sense. nothing inspiring about it. just don't eat like a fat slob, and get off your tush and exercise.


Instead, we have to hear about metabolisms, and lack of knowledge and emotional eating and all the other crap excuses we make so we can preserve some fat pigs self esteem.


My 1st grader knows about healthy choices for God's sake.


If you are FAT, it is YOUR fault, and you are a burden on society


I say tax fatty's favorite food like Ring Dings and McDonalds like we do cigarettes, and generate a steady tax revenue while 50% of the gross slobs in the country gorge themselves.


their should also be an obesity tax- if your BMI is too high, you should have to pay for it.


and make these irresponsible pigs buy two seats at the movies and on planes so their cheese doodle/ Mt Dew fatnesss isn't interfering in my personal space when I have to sit next to them.


a little financial incentive to take care of themselves


oh, and anyone who gives fast food or soda to a child should face criminal prosecution.



Ok lets start with the government!!

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Thank you for that ridiculous manifesto Mr Hitler.


Wolfman, I'm leaving this thread and suggest you do the same. We certainly can't compete with this this idiot's "stellar wit" :lol: . I suspect he'll be 16 next month...but just a guess on my part! Soon, he'll be on the road driving. So we got that going for us!!!


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Yeah Stretch, I got all that going for me! What's with this freak's obsession about weight??? When I was 18, I weighed 179#. I'm 52 now and I weigh 200 #. My belt size went up from 32 to 36.


you owe nothing in Fat Taxes


It's the slobs i want taxed, the ones who get their breakfast from Chuck at the ExtraMart every morning, and spend their paychecks on wings and beer at My Uncle's 5 days a week

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Fight nice kids. As far as the fat tax, it may not be totally out of the question. I definitely think that fat people should pay more for health insurance and pay for any and all seats they take up on airplanes and at the movies.


a voice of reason in the thread


i'm especially apalled at the stuff parents and school districts feed to kids.

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Wolfman, I'm leaving this thread and suggest you do the same. We certainly can't compete with this this idiot's "stellar wit" :lol: . I suspect he'll be 16 next month...but just a guess on my part! Soon, he'll be on the road driving. So we got that going for us!!!


you'll be back


Oh- clever- don't agree with me so I must be 15


still nothing of substance on the issue

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