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The Fat Tax


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Fight nice kids. As far as the fat tax, it may not be totally out of the question. I definitely think that fat people should pay more for health insurance and pay for any and all seats they take up on airplanes and at the movies.

We pay for that insurance,and the food making these people fat,I'm not skinny and I'm not obese but I buy all of my food and pay for my own health insurance from my job.If you taxed food the leeches will still get it and you will pay for it,thanks a lot Demos.

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you'll be back


Oh- clever- don't agree with me so I must be 15


still nothing of substance on the issue


here is your substance...you have never answered one of my questions. i have given you lots of information on the other thread you started. you refuse to listen to logic and credible medical facts. you have what you want to beleive in your tiny brain and you insult people on here. You are pathetic...read the link do some research before you post.



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cite one instance



A study out of Europe reported on the AP wire last week showed that skinny people are more expensive health care wise

than fat people.


It makes sense in that fat people die sooner and don't require long term care for old timers diseases.



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here is your substance...you have never answered one of my questions. i have given you lots of information on the other thread you started. you refuse to listen to logic and credible medical facts. you have what you want to beleive in your tiny brain and you insult people on here. You are pathetic...read the link do some research before you post.




i addressed it on the other thread.


my apologies for not getting to it sooner.


Try not to die in anticipation of what I will post later (you know you will be thinking about it all day)

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We pay for that insurance,and the food making these people fat,I'm not skinny and I'm not obese but I buy all of my food and pay for my own health insurance from my job.If you taxed food the leeches will still get it and you will pay for it,thanks a lot Demos.


you know i generally agree with you on most topics related to the demoraps but i have to partially disagree with you here. although most of the welfare people are overweight, it is not the cause. Most of these people that are collecting our money to support themselves are unable to or unwilling to work. thus they are generally not as "motivated" as the rest of us.

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you owe nothing in Fat Taxes


It's the slobs i want taxed, the ones who get their breakfast from Chuck at the ExtraMart every morning, and spend their paychecks on wings and beer at My Uncle's 5 days a week


Well then, God damn it, tone it down and discuss the obesity problem in a civilized manner. Yes there is a problem in this country, and yes, I find it strange that a personal trainer is so overweight...but I don't blast out at anybody. I voice my opinion if I choose and that's it. I don't rant which is what you are doing. As far as your "stellar" wit, I'll tell you the same thing I told Ed, we can be friends or foes...the choice is yours. I prefer to be friends! Ed and I came to a compromise fairly quickly.


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you know i generally agree with you on most topics related to the demoraps but i have to partially disagree with you here. although most of the welfare people are overweight, it is not the cause. Most of these people that are collecting our money to support themselves are unable to or unwilling to work. thus they are generally not as "motivated" as the rest of us.

you're saying they are lazy and thats the cause too?

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you're saying they are lazy and thats the cause too?

if they werent lazy, most could get a job. if they wont get a job, why would they work out or do anything actively? Again this is not the case for all, but most wefare people fall into that. it's like the old standard. most people on welfare are overweight but most foverweight people are not on welfare. Welfare is part of the socialogical reasons for obesity, but it is certainly not the only reason people are obese.

I am not defending welfare people..i think we all know where i stand on govt handouts.

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Well then, God damn it, tone it down and discuss the obesity problem in a civilized manner. Yes there is a problem in this country, and yes, I find it strange that a personal trainer is so overweight...but I don't blast out at anybody. I voice my opinion if I choose and that's it. I don't rant which is what you are doing. As far as your "stellar" wit, I'll tell you the same thing I told Ed, we can be friends or foes...the choice is yours. I prefer to be friends! Ed and I came to a compromise fairly quickly.

the troll can not comprehend the simple facts that weight gain is individual based on a persons genetic makeup and metabolism. For an example he states that he hates people that can sit and eat wings and drink beer 5 times a week. yet some people can do that and not be obese due to their genetic makeup. some people can sit and eat the same amount of calories as another, yet one person can gain weight and the other may not. He does not get that simple concept. he has an axe to grind and has some issues or he is just a worthless troll. either way...he is still a moron (or is it moran ;) )

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If you are FAT, it is YOUR fault, and you are a burden on society

Take away the welfare and medicare and food stamps and it wont be,thanks Demos.



I may be fat, but you're stoopit, and.......well, you know how the rest of it goes.

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Guest BC Voice of Reason

The problem with the fat tax is where to draw the line. Do you tax all fast food like McDonalds? What about the salads and the other "healthy" menu choices. And if they get a soft drink, do you tax them all except the Diet Coke? The problem isn't just with fast food, you can go to every restaurant and eat like a pig. It isn't so much about what people eat, but the amount and frequency that some people eat it.


If they start a tax on fatty food, then what about other activities that keep you from exercising? Several states want to institute a tax on video games, DVDs, and other items that attribute to a sedentary lifestyle. But that too is a slippery slope. What if you buy DVDs to watch to pass the time on the treadmill?


I will say I am not opposed to heavily taxing junk food in grocery stores that you just don't need. Not so much to help people lose wait, but to deter people that spend their food stamps on these items. I was in line at Wegmans a few months ago and the couple in front of me was checking out with a shopping cart LOADED with the junkiest junk food you could ever imagine. There was not one healthy food item in that cart (unless you count the 24-pack of Poland Spring water :rolleyes: ). They, of course, paid with their assistance card and found they were a few dollars overdrawn. The man looked all through the junk and pulled out a stick of deodorant and had them take that, of all things, off the total. I couldn't believe it.

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Guest healthaware

Based on most of the posts on this thread, it is easy to see the biggest hurdle in overcoming the obesity epidemic: The general attitude that it is okay to be fat and that you can blame someone else. It's unhealthy and that's all there is to it. I don't think anyone is focusing on those who metabolize slower than others and are slightly rounder, I think the focus is on those whose weight is a serious health risk.


Yes, as an American you have the right to live as active or as inactively as you choose and eat what you want, but if that is the case, why the war on tobacco and the war on drugs? This is not a beauty issue, a convenience issue, or a self-esteem issue, it is a major health issue.


I've seen figures that put the 30% of the U.S. population as overweight. If 30% of the population was smoking crack or shooting heroin, would we be as okay with it?


Yeah, I know it's not a totally fair comparison, but you get the point.

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the troll can not comprehend the simple facts that weight gain is individual based on a persons genetic makeup and metabolism. For an example he states that he hates people that can sit and eat wings and drink beer 5 times a week. yet some people can do that and not be obese due to their genetic makeup. some people can sit and eat the same amount of calories as another, yet one person can gain weight and the other may not. He does not get that simple concept. he has an axe to grind and has some issues or he is just a worthless troll. either way...he is still a moron (or is it moran ;) )


Nah, I already told you, the Moran's lived across the street from me, they were originally from New Jersey. You're one of my new best pals on here. I agree with all your posts. That's scary, maybe we're both "morans". Sparky here, wants to trade barbs with me...he has "stellar" wit. I'll run with him, although I prefer burying the hatchet. I've only been humbled once, and that's by Jon in Australia. He's the internet "guru" of wit. He's the "wizard of oz", I'm but a pupil!


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Based on most of the posts on this thread, it is easy to see the biggest hurdle in overcoming the obesity epidemic: The general attitude that it is okay to be fat and that you can blame someone else. It's unhealthy and that's all there is to it. I don't think anyone is focusing on those who metabolize slower than others and are slightly rounder, I think the focus is on those whose weight is a serious health risk.


Yes, as an American you have the right to live as active or as inactively as you choose and eat what you want, but if that is the case, why the war on tobacco and the war on drugs? This is not a beauty issue, a convenience issue, or a self-esteem issue, it is a major health issue.


I've seen figures that put the 30% of the U.S. population as overweight. If 30% of the population was smoking crack or shooting heroin, would we be as okay with it?


Yeah, I know it's not a totally fair comparison, but you get the point.

Thank you for your civil response. I do appreciate the intelligent debate on this issue and enjoy the civility that most are showing on this topic.

It is not the point of blaming others for the problem, it is that nothing is cut and dry. it's easy to tell someone to eat better and work out more, but unless that person can truly understand how food breaks down in the body and how to read a nutritional label, it is not easy. Sure you can say you have to brun more calories than you eat but how many people know how many calories they burn in an average day? how many people can sit there and count and calculate calories. Again this is a socialogical issue because society prohibits or hides this information. again this is not a cut and dry issue. trying to oversimplfy it is wrong. but i do agree that common sense should be the rule of thumb, but this site shows that there are a lot of people out there that lack common sense.


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This post is offensive based on the black and whiteness of the issues, and the degrading language used. Yes, the medical component is less common than the behavioral component, but the original poster is trying to say that the medical component is a falasy.


I know I am setting myself up here for some of the original posters colorful comments, but I admit, I am overweight. I work out 5-7 days a week, I consume 1500 or less calories per day, I rarely eat take out, fried food, sweets, or white bread, ect. My bloodwork shows my cholesterol levels are extremely low, my blood sugars are in excellent range. BUT, I still am overweight. See, it's not so black and white. Some people are really trying to maintain a healthy weight, but for one reason or another it doesn't happen for them. Doesn't mean I won't continue to try to drop the weight, but being overweight does not necessarily mean I am going to cost the healthcare system more, and it doesn't mean I am irresponsible or lazy. You can't be so black and white on a topic that contains so many variables.

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Nah, I already told you, the Moran's lived across the street from me, they were originally from New Jersey. You're one of my new best pals on here. I agree with all your posts. That's scary, maybe we're both "morans". Sparky here, wants to trade barbs with me...he has "stellar" wit. I'll run with him, although I prefer burying the hatchet. I've only been humbled once, and that's by Jon in Australia. He's the internet "guru" of wit. He's the "wizard of oz", I'm but a pupil!


thanks i appreciate that. sometimes as the song says...you got to know when to hold them...and know when to fold them. Just like ed...this guy just doesn't get it. its not what he is saying. it is the fact that he will not open his mind and he believes everyone else is wrong. no matter what is said to him, he will not change. but at least if the seed is planted, maybe somewhere down the road it will take root. I am not saying i am always right, but when i argue the facts, i do have facts and research to back me up. so i am done with this topic. Being in the health and fitness field, i feel like i may have a little more experience with this topic than him. thanks again fellow "moran" :lol:

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This post is offensive based on the black and whiteness of the issues, and the degrading language used. Yes, the medical component is less common than the behavioral component, but the original poster is trying to say that the medical component is a falasy.


I know I am setting myself up here for some of the original posters colorful comments, but I admit, I am overweight. I work out 5-7 days a week, I consume 1500 or less calories per day, I rarely eat take out, fried food, sweets, or white bread, ect. My bloodwork shows my cholesterol levels are extremely low, my blood sugars are in excellent range. BUT, I still am overweight. See, it's not so black and white. Some people are really trying to maintain a healthy weight, but for one reason or another it doesn't happen for them. Doesn't mean I won't continue to try to drop the weight, but being overweight does not necessarily mean I am going to cost the healthcare system more, and it doesn't mean I am irresponsible or lazy. You can't be so black and white on a topic that contains so many variables.


Time for us to say adios, and all meet up on another thread, Kermit. I don't give a crap if you weigh 480 and you have a bad smoker's cough...you're still my buddy. Time to cut this thread off!


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thanks i appreciate that. sometimes as the song says...you got to know when to hold them...and know when to fold them. Just like ed...this guy just doesn't get it. its not what he is saying. it is the fact that he will not open his mind and he believes everyone else is wrong. no matter what is said to him, he will not change. but at least if the seed is planted, maybe somewhere down the road it will take root. I am not saying i am always right, but when i argue the facts, i do have facts and research to back me up. so i am done with this topic. Being in the health and fitness field, i feel like i may have a little more experience with this topic than him. thanks again fellow "moran" :lol:


OK Iggy, time to let our friend die. Let's all meet up on another thread and have some fun. Time to kill this one. As my friend Toop always tells me, we're just feeding the troll. She's always been right! Let's move on.


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OK Iggy, time to let our friend die. Let's all meet up on another thread and have some fun. Time to kill this one. As my friend Toop always tells me, we're just feeding the troll. She's always been right! Let's move on.


Why is that whenever someone disagrees with your way of thinking they are always wrong. Contrary to popular belief the world and this board do not revolve around your point of view. You really need to spend more time with real people not your internet buddies.

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Guest grossberger
a voice of reason in the thread


i'm especially apalled at the stuff parents and school districts feed to kids.




i look like grossberger from the movie "stir crazy" with richard pryor and gene wilder. does that mean i get taxed extra?

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Why is that whenever someone disagrees with your way of thinking they are always wrong. Contrary to popular belief the world and this board do not revolve around your point of view. You really need to spend more time with real people not your internet buddies.


I very rarely, offer an opinion on this board about anything, and I beg to differ with you. Check back on my multitude of posts. I normally stay out of everything, but once in a blue moon interject, when I find someone is particulary offensive as you and your cohort are. I hardly think this board revolves around my way of thinking...way too much weight for me, including you "twiggy". I just happen to have some over weight friends that I don't like being picked on by anonymous little mites like you. Show up, or shut up!!! I'll be at the Binghamton Plaza at 9 tonight if you want to discuss this further. Otherwise, shut your stupid mouth. Enough said!!!


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Know something? I used to be overweight. I did something about it. It's not that hard. Read food labels, exercise a little and use a little restraint. The world loves to pick on smokers and ban them from every public place, but fat people get a pass and get all kings of excuses made for them. Truth is that yes there are people who are more prone to be overweight than others, but noone is prone to be hugely fat unless they choose an unhealthy lifestyle. As they get older, the extra weight is not so easy to bear and then they want to complain about it or want an operation to repair their joints or staple their stomach. That costs money for something that was 100% avoidable. Want to pick on smokers? Lose some weight first.

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Guest healthaware
Know something? I used to be overweight. I did something about it. It's not that hard. Read food labels, exercise a little and use a little restraint. The world loves to pick on smokers and ban them from every public place, but fat people get a pass and get all kings of excuses made for them. Truth is that yes there are people who are more prone to be overweight than others, but noone is prone to be hugely fat unless they choose an unhealthy lifestyle. As they get older, the extra weight is not so easy to bear and then they want to complain about it or want an operation to repair their joints or staple their stomach. That costs money for something that was 100% avoidable. Want to pick on smokers? Lose some weight first.

I totally agree! When I see someone morbidly obese, I don't think,"Eww, they look gross." I think,"Man, how did they allow that to happen? They didn't wake up looking like that." It's like looking at a junkie, you know that they know better, so what the hell are they thinking?

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