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The Fat Tax


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A study out of Europe reported on the AP wire last week showed that skinny people are more expensive health care wise

than fat people.


It makes sense in that fat people die sooner and don't require long term care for old timers diseases.


I'm not sure I agree with that study.


1. Does it account for the health care costs in the US?

2. Does it factor in things such as knee operations, hip replacements, etc...?

3. What about prescriptions for cholestrol medications and such?

4. There is so many problems related to obesity, how do they account for all of them?


I can find a study to support almost the wackiest ideas you can come up with. They don't prove anything. Particularly a new study that has not been reviewed, critiqued, or cited. New research as no value untill it has stood up to the tests of time, scrunity, and re-evalutation!

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Guest grossberger

my goal is to be like that guy they had to cut of his house cause the doorway wasn't wide enough. that is cool. i could tell chicks i was on TV.


hey sleepless, what happened to you. you lost your marbles. plus, how is that guy supposed to find you at the plaza? yell out your name, "hey sleepless"!!!!!

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If you are FAT, it is YOUR fault, and you are a burden on society

Take away the welfare and medicare and food stamps and it wont be,thanks Demos.


You're still here? Obesity is related to welfare, medicare and foodstamps how? Are you going to make this one up as well?


OK......I'm waiting. Give me your data.


It's OK if you're just DELETED off. Stop with the ignorant posts.

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Why is that whenever someone disagrees with your way of thinking they are always wrong. Contrary to popular belief the world and this board do not revolve around your point of view. You really need to spend more time with real people not your internet buddies.


That's really un-called for. You are on this board. What does that say about you? Where are your "buddies"? Sleepless (who I have never met, but will eventually) is a contributor. You are not.

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I very rarely, offer an opinion on this board about anything, and I beg to differ with you. Check back on my multitude of posts. I normally stay out of everything, but once in a blue moon interject, when I find someone is particulary offensive as you and your cohort are. I hardly think this board revolves around my way of thinking...way too much weight for me, including you "twiggy". I just happen to have some over weight friends that I don't like being picked on by anonymous little mites like you. Show up, or shut up!!! I'll be at the Binghamton Plaza at 9 tonight if you want to discuss this further. Otherwise, shut your stupid mouth. Enough said!!!


You stick with it Sleepless. You are one of the very few posters on this Board that I would actually like to meet.


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my goal is to be like that guy they had to cut of his house cause the doorway wasn't wide enough. that is cool. i could tell chicks i was on TV.


hey sleepless, what happened to you. you lost your marbles. plus, how is that guy supposed to find you at the plaza? yell out your name, "hey sleepless"!!!!!


OK.....you failed High School English. Un-freacking-believable. Idiots have Internet access?

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Know something? I used to be overweight. I did something about it. It's not that hard. Read food labels, exercise a little and use a little restraint. The world loves to pick on smokers and ban them from every public place, but fat people get a pass and get all kings of excuses made for them. Truth is that yes there are people who are more prone to be overweight than others, but noone is prone to be hugely fat unless they choose an unhealthy lifestyle. As they get older, the extra weight is not so easy to bear and then they want to complain about it or want an operation to repair their joints or staple their stomach. That costs money for something that was 100% avoidable. Want to pick on smokers? Lose some weight first.


best post ever-


Fat people are a bigger drain on our resources than smokers. Treat them like smokers- ostracize them and tax them for their filthy habits


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I know I am setting myself up here for some of the original posters colorful comments, but I admit, I am overweight. I work out 5-7 days a week, I consume 1500 or less calories per day, I rarely eat take out, fried food, sweets, or white bread, ect. My bloodwork shows my cholesterol levels are extremely low, my blood sugars are in excellent range. BUT, I still am overweight.


completely totally impossible


You can't eat 1500 a day, maintain an active lifestyle as you say you do and not lose weight.


Not possible, sorry

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That's really un-called for. You are on this board. What does that say about you? Where are your "buddies"? Sleepless (who I have never met, but will eventually) is a contributor. You are not.


LunaC, thanks for your support. Yes, our paths will eventually meet! See you there.


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OK.....you failed High School English. Un-freacking-believable. Idiots have Internet access?



not that it matters, but there is nothing wrong with the grammar of the guy that wants to be cut out of his house. your post, as short as it is, contains several mistakes. who's the idiot?


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were you walking your dogs on Chenango St. this am. I just got back from running and I think i saw you...but it was only one dog, near the library


Nope, not me. I have three pugs and a German Shepherd. They pretty much "graze" in the back yard. I live up the other side of Wyoming Conference, just off Chenango Street. When you get off your fat people rant, I'd like to talk...we could be friends. When I was 20, I ran 5 miles every night with a friend, and loved it. I just can't do that anymore. My body has changed. It sucks when you can no longer do the things you used to, but you adapt to it...part of growing old.

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completely totally impossible


You can't eat 1500 a day, maintain an active lifestyle as you say you do and not lose weight.


Not possible, sorry


It's called slow metabilism, it is possible. Not that I need your validation, your posts have already shown your ignorance.

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It's called slow metabilism, it is possible. Not that I need your validation, your posts have already shown your ignorance.

Kermit save your time...the op will not and actually i think is incapable of understanding logic. he is so set in his ways that he can not see anything but his own twisted and simple opinion. We treid to get him to comprehend this and other logical proven points but his simple mind can not grasp the medically obvious. he was supposed to give us some proof of his twisted rants but he has not and will not because nothing exists for him.

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Kermit save your time...the op will not and actually i think is incapable of understanding logic. he is so set in his ways that he can not see anything but his own twisted and simple opinion. We treid to get him to comprehend this and other logical proven points but his simple mind can not grasp the medically obvious. he was supposed to give us some proof of his twisted rants but he has not and will not because nothing exists for him.


You're right Iggy, let's start a fun thread. What do you and Kermit want to talk about today?


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