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I wish we had an alternative. I used to have WNBF on from morning to evening. I listen mostly in the morning while I'm cooking and cleaning. In fact Bob Joseph was saying today how some use the radio for companionship. Not so much anymore. No matter how nice people are, the condescending, argumentative attitude is a huge turn off. The sarcasm is obnoxious. And the ball game interruptions. 

I do listen to various podcasts but it's not the same.




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I used to listen to him on my days off but he is unlistenable.  So often, it's my show and we're not going to talk about that.  If you want to talk about that, get your own show.  I used to make a point of listening but I've been done for awhile now.

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He is very disappointing, I guess I expected more from him. He was a newsman so expected an unbiased program. When you listened to Tony Russell you knew he was an entertainer and that was what you expected.  Bobby Joe ruined a great thing. I haven't listened in years and don't think I will again. 

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