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Flag burning..


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Seriously. Listening to Binghamton Now...citing case law..

Burn a flag that you purchase, fine. Taking down other people's property, as we saw in DC. yesterday and burning it... 

Nope. Can I walk up the street and tear down my neighbors LBGTQI flag and burn it in the street? Can I go to city hall and remove the city flag and burn it? Nope. 

Burn your own damn flag.

Freaking dim bulb.


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On another subject, watching city council this morning.. the fire fighters memorial at the Southside Commons was vandalized. The speaker stated the memorial was tossed on the ground and broken.

Free speech? No. In fact President Trump via executive order said it was a $10,000 fine and jail sentence for vandalizing monuments. Did you see the Liberty Bell? 

I hope the police catch whomever tore down our firefighters monument and prosecute them to the max. Who the hell do these people think they are? 


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On 7/25/2024 at 10:22 AM, ginger said:

Burn a flag that you purchase, fine. Taking down other people's property, as we saw in DC. yesterday and burning it... 

Please don't take this post as support for the flag burning. Just looking a the law. The flag that was burned in protest was a government flag and the Supreme Court has historically viewed that differently then a flag owned by an individual.

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23 hours ago, CCColt said:

Please don't take this post as support for the flag burning. Just looking a the law. The flag that was burned in protest was a government flag and the Supreme Court has historically viewed that differently then a flag owned by an individual.

Oh hi! You know I had a picture of the incident in my head...I grew up in NYC so I kind of remember the incident...it was a pretty big deal, even though I was quite young. Are we thinking of different cases?

I'm thinking of Street v New York. 1969. I did a quick google and it stated it was HIS OWN FLAG. That's why it didn't rise to the level of a crime.




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