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Again, watching city council this morning, the topic of toxic ecology was mentioned.

As some of you may recall, I've been fighting a losing ecoterroristic battle with the bamboo and maple saplings in my yard.  As I was injured from my car accident last year, its a hot mess this year. 

I don't suppose city council could make funds available or write a grant proposal to get funding for invasive species? 

Chemicals that destroy vegetative growth are costly. Yes I tried Round up.

I poured that crap all over the Lily of the Valley my neighbor planted before I  ever moved there...but she complains about it now...Round up didn't even touch it...probably because they're spores...just like the bamboo. And yes, I  tried digging them up.  

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If I recall correctly, the best way to get rid of bamboo is to cut it down to ground level, and burn it.  Then cover the area where the bamboo is with black plastic for2 years.  You burn the cut bamboo, not the stems left in the ground.

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Did you know that right here in New York, there's a pesky weed that could cause some serious trouble?

Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), originally from Eurasia, has become a real headache in New York.

Read More: Giant Hogweed: The Risks and Safety Precautions | https://wnbf.com/ixp/498/p/giant-hogweed/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

and ... Kudzu is called the "vine that ate the South" (and now it's in 30 states). It's not just a little cute plant, it's invasive vine has some hairy long vines and big dark-green leaves with oval-to-heart-shaped leaflets. it can crowd out the native plant species, completely take over trees, and wreak havoc on the entire ecosystem.

Read More: Unveiling The Invasive Kudzu Plant: Threatening Landscapes Across America | https://wnbf.com/ixp/498/p/kudzu-invasive-plant/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

How about Carolina Creepers? Those vines that shoot up from roots that spread under the ground of your yard.

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Thanks. I have it all cut down but ugh..I punctured my foot on a maple sapling I had cut. It almost went all the way through, right behind my 4th toe in the ball pad. Wicked painful. I can still move my toes but the last 2 are numb. It's going to take a while to heal.

I wish I could drop napalm back there and just start over. My daughter gave me a link to purchase the chemicals I need but as I mentioned, they're costly and not in my budget right now. I'm told the highway department has really good chemicals they use to kill vegetation on the medians. 

You know, I never had bamboo in my yard or any other weird stuff until we had the 2011 flood. That flood brought up all kinds weird vegetation. No hogweed though, Thank God. I had tomatos growing in my driveway that I  didn't plant... oh wait, maybe that was the 2006 flood. When I moved here, the biggest job I had was trying to dig up dandelions.

And when it did come up, I did sneak out early one morning and doused it in charcoal lighter fluid to try to burn it out. It sprouted new growth anyway. Lol, my neighbor Jane would have had a heart attack if she saw me doing that! 😄

As I said...it's been an ongoing losing battle. Ecoterrorism at its finest.


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