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Illinois shooter "the nicest caring person"

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Have you seen the CNN interview with Jessica Baty , the girlfriend of the Illinois school shooter?


In her interview Baty said “The person I knew was not the one who went into Cole Hall and did that. He was anything but a monster. He was probably the nicest, (most) caring person ever.”


On Friday, one day after the shooting, Baty received a package from Steve Kazmierczak that contained two textbooks, a cell phone, and an apparent good-bye note.


In that note Kazmierczak said “You've done so much for me. You will make an excellent psychologist and social worker someday.”



Two years he dated this chick!!!! She did a hell of a lot for the guy, I'll say. Great social worker, excellent psychology skills.


Next guy that sees this broad coming at him should run for the hills.


Yet she feels the need to give an interview.

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