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Can McCain beat the Clintons?

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It's clear now that the election for President in the fall we be McCain vs the Clintons. The big question is, can McCain beat them? He seems to be hurt by the fact that Rush and a lot of other conservatives don't like McCain. Given the fact that the Democrats are united behind the Clintons, can we really expect McCain will be able to beat them?

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It's clear now that the election for President in the fall we be McCain vs the Clintons. The big question is, can McCain beat them? He seems to be hurt by the fact that Rush and a lot of other conservatives don't like McCain. Given the fact that the Democrats are united behind the Clintons, can we really expect McCain will be able to beat them?


Clear as mud. I give Clinton about a 20% chance to pull it off.


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Clear as mud is right! Hillary got caught in a Brackalanche.


Saw this comment posted on CBS news site today. Sums it up for me.


"As someone who works like a dog in IT for decent wages, though nothing like what a hedge fund manager (or Chelsea Clinton) makes, I totally do not care what taxes others are paying, other than I believe we all should be paying much less as a percentage. Envy and discontent over someone else's earnings is a poison that rots the soul.


Hillary's and Obama's class and income baiting are totally, completely unAmerican. In this country we are raised to be the best we can be. This "class envy" and socialist crap is deadly. I refuse to envy and hate that which I've love to be - rich. So would the hypocrites but they won't admit it. I also refuse to vote for anyone whose main constituencies are the old, the poor, the stupid, the insane and the discontented.




Posted by: Peg C. | Feb 19, 2008 8:00:38 PM


That being said, I think McCain sucks too.

What are we going to do?

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Clear as mud is right! Hillary got caught in a Brackalanche.


Saw this comment posted on CBS news site today. Sums it up for me.


"As someone who works like a dog in IT for decent wages, though nothing like what a hedge fund manager (or Chelsea Clinton) makes, I totally do not care what taxes others are paying, other than I believe we all should be paying much less as a percentage. Envy and discontent over someone else's earnings is a poison that rots the soul.


Hillary's and Obama's class and income baiting are totally, completely unAmerican. In this country we are raised to be the best we can be. This "class envy" and socialist crap is deadly. I refuse to envy and hate that which I've love to be - rich. So would the hypocrites but they won't admit it. I also refuse to vote for anyone whose main constituencies are the old, the poor, the stupid, the insane and the discontented.




Posted by: Peg C. | Feb 19, 2008 8:00:38 PM


That being said, I think McCain sucks too.

What are we going to do?


I think you are on the right track there, and it makes me feel a little better to know that some people "get it". I am not a die hard republican in any way and have voted democrat in the past, but the dems must not win this one. I simply cannot support what they are pushing for lately. I guess you could call me a fiscal conservative. I also agree that McCain is not the answer to the world's problems, but just like most of the time, you have to go with the one who will screw you the least.


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It's clear now that the election for President in the fall we be McCain vs the Clintons. The big question is, can McCain beat them? He seems to be hurt by the fact that Rush and a lot of other conservatives don't like McCain. Given the fact that the Democrats are united behind the Clintons, can we really expect McCain will be able to beat them?



mccain wil have to beat OBAMA. hillary clinton is done, as she should have been from the beginning. she is a loud mouth, arrogant dyke that never should have been elected senator of this state. carpetbagger? carpet muncher is more like it.

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